Bangladesh Mobile Operators Get New Number Series

Bangladesh Mobile Operators Get New Number Series Image

Day by day mobile phone usage in Bangladesh is increasing rapidly, mobile operators must develop new number series to improve customer service. Customers will find it easier to find the best deals and services To develop these series, mobile operators have partnered with leading Bangladeshi design firms for support. In this article we will know about the new number series of mobile phone operators in Bangladesh.

Mobile Phone Operator in Bangladesh

The major five mobile phone operators operating in Bangladesh are Banglalink, Grameenphone, Robi, Airtel and Teletalk. Banglalink is the leading operator having more than 100 million connections. It has many towers across the country and provides good service quality whether on or out of the network.

Grameenphone is still owned by the state that was launched in 2001 with the aim of serving low income earners. Robi is owned by Ms. Kazi Nazmul Hasan who links to a leading women’s organization. Through national roaming Teletalk offers voice SMS, video conferencing and high speed internet connectivity to its users.

Which mobile operator of Bangladesh has brought new number series?

New number series was launched by a Bangladeshi mobile operator. The three key mobile operators in Bangladesh have recently rolled out new numbering plans for their consumers. This move is done in keeping with the current industry trend of moving to the next level of targeting individual customers. In detail, the new number series that is introducing each provider in Bangladesh has been explained in this article.


Grameenphone is an telecommunications company that was established in 1997 and As of June 30, the company has got 114 million subscribers out of which 56.9 million are active.

Grameenphone Image

The latest telephone number series ‘013’ has been granted by the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) to the country’s market leader in the mobile phone sector, Grameenphone. GP had sought a new 017 series from BTRC as the existing 017 numbers were almost saturated. During a communicational meeting in the Dhaka office, the regulatory commission considered GP’s application to assign the 013 series to the company because the 017 series was almost used up.


Banglalink Image

Banglalink has launched a new numbers 014 series for corporate bodies and others who need connectivity and quick decision making. Currently 019 customers can get a complimentary 014 SIM popular vibrate after the identity card confirms that he will be able to use the call rate of 0.54 Tk per minute between the numbers for life.


Robi Image

Robi Axiata Limited is operated as a public limited company but being majority owned by the Axiata Group Berhad of Malaysia having 61.82% share. India’s Bharti Airtel owns 28.18% and the public has the remaining 10%. The company is listed on the Dhaka and Chittagong stock exchanges through listing from its initial public offering on December 24, 2020. Robi operates with the number 018 and 016.

Final Word

With the increase in the mobile phone industry mobile phone operators come up with more number series. In Bangladesh mainly Grameenphone, Banglalink, and Robi these three operators have released new number series in the market.

This article looks at how three leading operators have developed numbering plans for the future of Wireless service. New series let companies adjust their offerings as demand grows with mobile technology’s advancement.